Part Time Finance Director for SMEs in the South West & Midlands

Part-time finance director

Performing this role will maximise your chances of successfully implementing your plans. However even the best laid plans face unexpected challenges and can fail. An FDs job in these circumstances is to minimise the impact of the failures. Operationally the FDs role is to deliver more time to the management team to work on strategic areas and drive more profit and cashflow out of the operations to fund strategic growth.


This is a very personal role and requires more of the soft skills and business experiences that have been developed over the years.

From experience I have found that open and ambitious entrepreneurs, who have both the determination to success and an opportunity to exploit a niche in their sector, also get the most value from an entrepreneurial finance director. Typical turnover would be between £1.5m to £10m depending on the sector.

In general, Nicholson-Smith Limited does not accept roles in start-up businesses which are pre-revenue and looking for seed investment. However, there are always exceptions.

Region covered

Birmingham to Bristol and Hereford to Oxford.